Job Vacancies

Do you have a school library vacancy that needs filling? Our Job Vacancies page is widely read across the profession and receives wide exposure on our social media feeds, allowing you to reach direct to potential staff. To advertise your vacancy on our website we charge £100 (115€) + VAT for SLA members, and £150 (172€) + VAT for non-members (VAT exempt for registered charities).

To advertise your vacancy here please email [email protected] with the below information:

  • the text of the advert to include Job title, Hours, Salary indication in Word/editable format 
  • indication on how to apply – either with a downloadable application form or a link to apply online
  • a detailed job description in pdf format
  • closing date
  • a school logo in jpg or png format

Please note: the inclusion of an advert here does not indicate any recommendation or approval from the SLA.

For general recruitment advice and support please see our HR resources.