Additional Support

There are a number of organisations and charities who work in the arena of information literacy and reading for pleasure. The SLA enjoys strong partnerships with the organisations below, and they offer some fantastic resources and support. 

School Library Services (SLS)

SLS's are library services offered to schools - all phases and sectors - by local authorities. Their offer varies across the UK, but they provide an affordable, local in-person service. We work closely with Redbridge and Hampshire SLS in particular, both of which include an SLA membership for their secondary SLS subscribers. 

You can read more here.

World Book Day is a charity that changes lives through a love of books and reading. Its mission is to promote reading for pleasure, offering every child and young person the opportunity to have a book of their own.

The Reading Agency is a UK charity with a mission to empower people of all ages to read. 

CILIP is the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals, the UK’s library and information association. They have special interest groups of ILG, SLG and YLG amongst others.

Read for Good’s mission is to enable, empower and motivate children and young people to discover the joy of a life-changing love of reading.

The National Literacy Trust is an independent charity that empowers children, young people and adults with the literary skills they need to succeed.

BookTrust get children reading in lots of different ways, but our priority is to get more children excited about books, rhymes and stories – because if reading is fun, children will want to do it.

EmpathyLab is the first organisation to build children's empathy, literacy and social activism through a systematic use of high quality literature.

The Centre for Literacy in Primary Education is a charity transforming lives through literacy.

Support us

As a charity, our focus is on helping those that need it. But that means we need your help too. Whether it's volunteering, fundraising or donations, it makes a huge difference to the number of pupils we're able to support. 

Support our awards

We run various awards that celebrate the people, projects and partnerships that make school libraries great. They are an important way of telling positive stories about school libraries and rely heavily on external support, whether it be sponsorship, prizes, or spreading the word. 


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The School Library Association offers a wide range of on demand and real time training to enhance the personal and professional development of everyone who works in school libraries.